75 (533 to 538) Romania 18(18) - 8.5(6) Georgia (68 to 60) 120: 29OCT2011 |
80 (73 to 68) Georgia 7.5(5) - 11(11) Romania (530 to 533) 50: 01OCT2011 |
100 (-213 to -230) Britain Northern Ireland 8(8) - 11(7) Georgia (59 to 73) 80: 02JUL2011 |
75 (490 to 496) Greece 16(16) - 8.5(6) Georgia (69 to 59) 120: 11MAY2011 |
80 (76 to 69) Georgia 10.5(8) - 11(11) Greece (482 to 486) 50: 30MAR2011 |