Current Years Recent Decades Cold War Olden Days
Basketball: 97 of 220 - 56.4% (178 matches) Basketball: 28 of 143 - 81.1% (171 matches)
Baseball: 9 of 18 - 55.6% (8 matches) Baseball: 13 of 33 - 63.6% (82 matches)
Sepak Takraw: 19 of 31 - 41.9% (8 matches) Soccer Football: 103 of 157 - 35% (58 matches)
Ice Hockey: 39 of 62 - 38.7% (11 matches) Water Polo: 50 of 72 - 31.9% (3 matches)
Standard Kabaddi: 21 of 31 - 35.5% (16 matches) Rugby Union: 74 of 94 - 22.3% (27 matches)
Rugby Union: 124 of 172 - 28.5% (76 matches) Roller Hockey: 36 of 43 - 18.6% (22 matches)
Rollball: 47 of 52 - 11.5% (3 matches) Handball: 62 of 73 - 16.4% (23 matches)
Water Polo: 94 of 98 - 5.1% (9 matches)
Soccer Football: 196 of 199 - 2% (95 matches)